Pokemon quest cooking recipes

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For more information, go. Below the table you'll find all known recipes for each dish and the specific Pokemon they attract. If you click on one and make a purchase we may receive a small commission.

pokemon quest cooking recipes
You can puzzle out difference ideas by looking at these ingredient descriptions — and remember, all ingredients are gathered through adventuring on expeditions. Hot Pot a la Cube Fire Bluk Berry 2Tiny Mushroom 3 A lot of mushrooms and a little red. Adding Precious or Very Precious ingredients custodes the quality points of a recipe, Small ingredients being worth 1 point, Precious being worth 2, Very Precious ingredients are worth 3 points and Mystical are worth 4. Plain Crepe Normal Bluk Berry 3Fossil 2 A lot of sweet things and a few grey. Between's the app that helped me a lot when I pokemon quest cooking recipes Pokemon Quest. Pokemon Quest is out now for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch. If you discover your own, feel free to contribute to.

Sweet Blue 1 Icy Rock Hard and precious ingredients. Check the bottom of the guide for a list of Special Recipes.

pokemon quest cooking recipes

Video Game Release Date Schedule 2018 - Even Vine whip on a Bulbasaur is better then psychic. You can get new, better Cooking Pots by buying each of the Expedition Cosmetic Packs located in the store.

pokemon quest cooking recipes

Cooking To get Wild Pokémon to appear, you need to create enticing meals. As you go through stages, you'll collect a myriad of different ingredients which, when returned to the base, can be used to create various dishes. These dishes take time to prepare and require Pokémon to return from expeditions for time to pass. Once the dish is cooked, the wild Pokémon will appear. The better the dish and the better the pot, the higher level the wild Pokémon. Special dishes have the best chance of getting Rare Pokémon, followed by Very Good and Good. This is done by including the rarer precious ingredients. This then affects how long it takes to cook, with Ambrosia of Legends a la Cube taking one extra turn to cook. The standard ingredients have points of 1, precious ingredients have points of 2, Rainbow Matter have points of 3 and Mystical Shell has points of 2. This also affects the Pokémon's IVs, with the maximum IV varying depending on the pot Pot Stat Bonus IV Range Brass 0 0-10 Bronze +50 0-50 Silver +100 0-100 Gold +300 0-100 Evolved Pokémon will not appear through this, only the basic form. As a base chance, you have a 4. This can be improved with decorations Dish List Below are all the dishes in the game. Be sure to click the dish to see a list of the Pokémon you can obtain. Pic Name Ingredients Description Whatever ingredients you like Favorite food of some Pokémon on Tumblecube Island A whole lot of red Favorite food of reddish Pokémon A whole lot of blue Favorite food of bluish Pokémon A whole lot of yellow Favorite food of yellowish Pokémon A whole lot of gray Favorite food of grayish Pokémon A whole lot of soft things and a lot of blue Favorite food of Water-type Pokémon A lot of sweet things and a few gray Favorite food of Normal-type Pokémon A whole lot of mushrooms and a lot of soft things Favorite food of Poison-type Pokémon A few minerals and a lot of soft things Favorite food of Ground-type Pokémon A whole lot of plants and a few soft things Favorite food of Grass-type Pokémon A whole lot of sweet things and a lot of yellow Favorite food of Bug-type Pokémon A lot of sweet things and a few hard things Favorite food of Psychic-type Pokémon A whole lot of hard things and a few minerals Favorite food of Rock-type Pokémon A lot of minerals and a few plants Favorite food of Flying-type Pokémon A lot of mushrooms and a little red Favorite food of Fire-type Pokémon A whole lot of soft things and a lot of yellow Favorite food of Electric-type Pokémon A lot of sweet things and a few mushrooms Favorite food of Fighting-type Pokémon A whole lot of mystical things Favorite food of extremely rare Pokémon Ingredients Picture Name Description Type Colour Point Value Tiny Mushroom Soft and small ingredients. Mushroom Red 1 Big Root Soft and precious ingredients. Plant Red 2 Bluk Berry Soft and small ingredients. Sweet Blue 1 Icy Rock Hard and precious ingredients. Mineral Blue 2 Apricorn Hard and small ingredients. Plant Yellow 1 Honey Soft and precious ingredients. Sweet Yellow 2 Fossil Hard and small ingredients. Mineral Grey 1 Balm Mushroom Soft and precious ingredients. Mushroom Grey 2 Rainbow Matter Very precious ingredients that can substitute for any other ingredients. None None 3 Mystical Shell Special ingredients.